Now I don't usually eat that many foods with a high fat content in one day, yesterday just worked out that way. Today I am back to light yogurt and Fiber One. But it is also Monday, so I reserve the right to eat a treat after dinner when I go to my dad's house. I hope he serves something good. It's such a copout when we have Costco cookies leftover from the weekend adult single's activity he went to.
One chunky monkey's quest for a healthier lifestyle and a smaller pant size.
What are you, chicken?
Now I don't usually eat that many foods with a high fat content in one day, yesterday just worked out that way. Today I am back to light yogurt and Fiber One. But it is also Monday, so I reserve the right to eat a treat after dinner when I go to my dad's house. I hope he serves something good. It's such a copout when we have Costco cookies leftover from the weekend adult single's activity he went to.
Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top...
Working 9 to 5…
I wonder sometimes, what my butt would look like if I didn't have a full-time job. Don't get me wrong, I don't in any way look down my nose at the noble profession of stay-at-home mothers. In fact, for very brief stretches I have had the pleasure of living that life myself. I only have one child, so it was usually very workable for me to fit in an hour or two of working out a day. So as I do not have the pleasure of ruling my roost from my motherly throne 24 hours a day, I am left to wonder what it is about the 8 hours a day that I spend at work that leaves me bereft of the motivation necessary to pick my chunky monkey butt up off the sofa so that I can get some exercise. I am not THAT tired at the end of the day (weary, but not always tired). I certainly could find the energy to bike for half an hour, or take a walk. Yet I do not. I understand that this choice leaves me extremely unhappy with my appearance and my fanny size. Yet still, I sit.
I wonder if so much sedentary office work has trained me to be inactive. Is my lack of movement in my job contributing to chunky monkey muscle memory?
Well, we shall see. I am going to try to get moving around the office more and see what happens. Maybe I will find that I do have the desire to get out and exercise in the evenings. Or, maybe I will be more willing to blow it off because I will feel as though I have already done something for the day. Who knows? All I know is that I can't just keep cutting calories and hoping for the best. It this chunky monkey wants to make real progress, I am going to have to get my butt moving.
F. Bear Slippers.
The Perils of Dieting on Vacation
You have probably heard of it, and more than likely you have tried it. Sticking to a diet while vacationing.
For the past week I have been away from my desk at work and indulging my whims on a lovely stay-cation. On the very first day my friend Trish and I went out for Thai food for dinner before hitting up our book club. Phad Thai may not be the most diet-friendly way to kick off a vacation, but there you have it. I limited myself to have the portion and I had it served up with a dish of brown rice instead of white. I limited my calorie intake in other areas so as not to push myself over the 1300 calorie diet ledge. And… Success! Yay! Score one for Fuzzy Bear Slippers, Zero for temptation.
If only it could have lasted. The next day my mother came into town and we went to visit an old family friend who cooked a lovely lunch of salmon (healthy!) and a side of homemade artichoke dip (not so healthy). There were a lot of fruit and veggies, which was good too, but I guarantee you I overindulged in that delicious dip (pretty sure the health benefits of celery are negated by artichoke dip spread all over it). Later that night I ate several slices of pizza at my sister's house, but vowed to start off better the next day. Um, yeah. Right.
It was at this point that I decided that I was not going to count a single calorie during my time off. I opted to enjoy myself and to not worry about undoing myself. This occasionally entailed cheesecake for breakfast, or lunch, or dessert… It also involved several meals out (where I did make conscious decisions about quantity), such as Dick's Drive-In (where I enjoyed a Dick's Deluxe, minus a meat patty and some sauce, a small fry and a small chocolate milkshake). I ordered an extra cheeseburger and fry with the intention of eating them, but instead mustered some willpower and saved them for my husband when I got home. I ate at Applebee's where I had a virgin strawberry margarita, but shared it with my daughter so that I wasn't taking the total hit. I also ordered a steak without any of their cheesy or sautéed toppings, and stuck with a leaner cut of meat. (BTW, really? Cheese on a steak? Come on America!) This particular night was also mitigated by a 3 hour leisurely stroll/sit on the beach. It wasn't really exertion, but I am sure it counted for something.
I think my greatest accomplishment during this time off was not allowing myself to pig out when I wasn't hungry. And believe me, that was a huge accomplishment. I kept myself busy with reading books I enjoy so that I didn't get bored, and I kept a bottle of water next to me so that I didn't get up and get something sugary to drink. Also, not eating if I wasn't hungry occasionally led me to skip a couple meals. If I ate a large or late meal, and didn't feel hungry, I didn't sit down and eat the next meal. If I did feel hungry, then I ate.
Finally, the day of truth. Preparing to go back to work today and get back on the band wagon, I weighed myself to assess the damage last night, and was shocked to discover that I didn't put on a single pound. In fact, I didn't go up or down. While I would have been happier if I had lost a pound or two, I learned a lesson about enjoying myself within moderation (cheesecake for breakfast aside), and I am pleased to essentially start where I left off. Besides, I didn't put in the work to lose weight this last week, so it almost would have felt like cheating if I had managed to shave something off. I feel much better about stagnation under the circumstances.
Sometimes dieting feels like a real punishment, but my intent this time around to try to do it in a realistic way with real food is really pleasing. I haven't suffered much, and because I am working the things I like into my daily diet I am not feeling deprived. Granted, I am not going to be eating anymore cheesecake for breakfast (for a while), but I don't feel bad about the occasional eggs benedict either.
F. Bear Slippers
Get thee out, Satan! (aka: Pizza and Cake)
We all have our crosses to bear. Unfortunately, mine comes covered in cheese and cut into eight delicious slices. We are having a farewell party for a co-worker (who I shall refer to as Dr. Unmentionable), and being served at this party are delicious slices of ooey, gooey, cheesy pizza. Since this is only the third day I have been writing in this blog, you have not heard about the past shenanigans of Dr. Unmentionable, therefore you might not feel the same sort of glee at the idea of her departure. I have been her assistant for approximately 3 ½ years, the first 2 ½ of which she was only in for about an hour a day. You might think that is the ideal situation (I assist about 10 doctors and 40 other staff members, so it wasn't all cake), however, the hour she was there was usually unadulterated suckieness. Whenever there was a grant due, she would drag her feet, not send me the information I needed, and then invariably I was left sitting at my desk pounding away furiously at my keyboard, while glancing anxiously at the clock in hopes that I would be able to finish the administrative part on time. Government grants are due at 5pm local time, so when she would hand me everything at 2pm (as she was telling me she was going home) I was usually already in a cold sweat. These are things that I will not miss at all. I found it interesting that in her very last act here she will be screwing up my calorie count. I spent a while this morning juggling my calories in an attempt to make room for lunch. You see, I would not have gone at all if it had not been made very clear to me by the administration that I was expected to attend and eat the lunch that was served (when I suggested that I would just bring my own lunch). So I am going and I will be eating pizza and a slice of cake to commemorate her departure.
I was very happy, I must say, to find out that with proper planning I had room in my day for both a slice of pizza and a piece of cake. While I don't really care for artificial sweeteners I will stick to the diet soda to assist in the calorie reduction. I know there will be salad, but it is the kind that comes pre-dressed so I will be very careful to limit the intake on it. I looked online to find the nutritional information beforehand so that I could enter it into and judge the amount that I could afford to eat. Just an FYI, that delicious Grand Parisian salad mix from Costco is 140 calories per serving with 11 grams of total fat. One serving is 2 ½ cups, so I am cutting the serving in half. I will make it up with undressed salad at dinner tonight. I have to stand by my initial thought that life is much easier when you plan all of your food out ahead of time. I know that I have a meeting tonight and that the host generally likes to prepare food, but I want a piece of cake this afternoon so I will be saying no to treats. I will eat a healthy dinner at home after I take Baby Bear Slippers to swimming lessons, and then head to my meeting afterward on a full stomach. I am sorry, I just ate! I have no room for peanut butter chocolate Chex Mix.
The hard thing about today is that I had to get up very early this morning, and ate breakfast before 6am. This means that I am very grumbley in my tumbley right now. I had a banana for a snack to help tide me over until the pizza gets here, but usually about this time of day I would eat a handful of nuts which would greatly help to satiate my hunger. Because of all the calories at lunch I cannot afford the extra calories, so I must abstain from the nuts today. I just really wish that I had some gum to chew to help keep my mind off of pizza for the next hour. It is hard when you have your meals scheduled around someone else's timeframe, and are therefore unable to dictate the time of your own lunch!
Lastly, I have lost yet another pound today. I am down to 201.5. Yippee for me!
F. Bear Slippers
It's the end of the world as I know it, but I feel fine...
I have to say, it doesn't take me very long to remember why I hate this "life change" stuff so much. I really like sweets, and I have had to fight myself not to rob the candy dish in my co-worker's office. But, I have found a great way to help myself avoid this pitfall.
Weight Loss Tip #1:
Spend all of your calories first thing in the morning. By this I do not mean that you should start your day with ice cream on top of pancakes. I mean that you should plan out your day. Meals, snacks, dessert. Everything. I even plan out my splurges. If I eat a reasonable breakfast and lunch, that means I get a regular popsicle after dinner (not one of those sugarless imposters), and I can even have Thousand Island dressing on that big salad I will be eating with my chicken. It also means that I can't eat 10 snack sized Heath Bars because I don't have any calories left for the day. As far as I am concerned mentally, they were gone by 9 o'clock this morning.
Thinking this way has also made me look for low calorie ways to fill up. I really, really, really hate fake food (aka "diet" food). I think it is the Devil and it should be illegal. That is part of the reason that I have such a hard time finding ways to lose weight. I don't want to snack on food bars, or eat meal replacement shakes. I want butter and jam on my toast, and I want my toast to be full calorie bread. So in order for me to not blow my calories in one shot, I think big picture for my day. I know that I want some excellent BBQ sauce on my chicken and dressing on my salad, so I cram as many veggies as I can onto my plate. They help fill me up and they taste delicious. I made a delicious pasta with shrimp and garlic the other day. The topping for the pasta had shrimp sautéed in butter, and some real cream. I moderated the fatty foods by putting in a lot of other things. It was mostly mushrooms (fresh cremeni mushrooms), broccoli, carrots and onions. Then I tossed it with about two cups of cooked penne pasta. This made 4 servings of something that was mostly vegetables, but still tasted amazing. But because it was mostly vegetables, each serving came in at around 300 calories. Not too bad.
I guess my biggest challenge is learning moderation so that I can eat real foods. Perhaps I should define "real food" too. I mean food that doesn't have a lot of artificial (aka long unreadable names) ingredients. I have a friend that makes the best homemade bread ever. Baking bread is one of those things that I have sucked at forever. It is hard to do and it is regularly a failure. So I called her up and said, "Teach me please!" My friend happens to be a fitness instructor with 2 kids and body that looks like her childbearing is in the negative numbers. How can anyone with two kids have a tummy that tight? Anyway, one afternoon together and now I can make my own bread with nothing artificial in it. It is whole wheat (my dad even grinds his own wheat flour when he makes it), and there aren't any funny preservatives in the ingredients list. It makes two loaves which lasts my family about one week and it always turns out. I will have to check with my friend to see if it is okay with her for me to publish her recipe on my blog, but if it is you should see the recipe coming to a computer near you in the very near future. When I eat the bread, I just have to remind myself that I can only eat 2 slices per day. I can't have a slice at breakfast, two at lunch and then seven slices for dessert. Moderation. That is my first weightloss goal. Tonight, instead of eating garlic bread with my chicken I will have a big salad packed with sweet peppers and cucumbers, as well as some corn on the cob, so that I can justify the small amount of Thousand Island I will top the salad with. Moderation does not mean that I have to be hungry! Nor does it mean that I have to eat sugarless candy or low-carb ice cream.
I personally find it a hassle to cut up a bunch of vegetable to snack on during the day at work. Instead, I plan them into my meal so that I have a lot to eat and I can usually just pack up leftovers from dinner for lunch the next day. Vegetables already included!
So this is what I am left with for the day… Not eating a butt-load of candy is not the end of the world, I can eat well, so long as I do it in moderation, and diet food sucks, so find ways not to have to eat it.
Happy eating!
F. Bear Slippers
The Chunky Monkey takes stock of life...
F. Bear Slippers